Collaborative & Collectivist | Open Access & Open Source | Peer Reviewed & Previewed


The mission of the Journal of Equity and Social Justice in Higher Education is to disseminate theories, teaching strategies, and conversations that promote social justice and equity in/from higher education.


Toward this end, the journal seeks to:

  • Amplify voices and cultivate partnerships with communities and individuals engaged in social justice work.
  • Critique existing systems and structures of power (racial, social, political, legal, cultural, educational, economic, and gender, etc…) that exclude and constrain the realization of humankind’s full potential.
  • Promote transformative change that has the potential to disrupt current power structures (racism, neoliberalism, neoimperialism, ableism, accountability regime, paternalism, etc…) in society and in higher education.
  • Publish case studies and other academic articles, reports, artistic expressions and narratives that promote social justice and equity in/from higher education.
  • Practice a more inclusive episteme to promote creation of knowledge from a collective perspective based on cooperation not competition.

Open Access Policy

ESJ-ED is committed to the principles of open access and recognizes its importance in accelerating research, fostering collaboration, and democratizing knowledge. Therefore, all articles published in ESJ-ED are immediately available online for free to anyone, anywhere in the world, without requiring a subscription or payment. This open access policy ensures the widest possible dissemination of research findings, promotes global collaboration, and supports the advancement of knowledge across disciplines.

Authors and contributors are not charged for any editorial services, such as peer review, manuscript editing, translation or Typesetting.

Contact information

To request information about the journal or propose special editions contact:

Or contact Alfredo Duplat:


227 Armstrong Hall (AH 227)
Mankato, MN 56001

Phone: +1 (507) 389-2783